Developing tank for 35mm film; ratchet style device for easy loading; two way agitation; in original carton with instructions. Paterson Self-loading Developing Tank
Pre 1939 model; 127 rollfilm camera. Green windows. A rigid-bodied camera, made from black bakelite, for 127 rollfilm, fitted with a Beck f6.3, 2 1/4" anastigmat lens in a self-erecting mount and a three-speed focal plane shutter which gave different speeds depending on how the camera was held. Purma Special Camera 1937-1951
The Paterson Major II Developing Tank. Plastics developing tank for 35mm, 127 and 120 films. Transparent spiral, self loading with ball ratchet. Click settings for three sizes. Inversion agitation, agitating rod. R F Hunter c.1962 The Paterson Major II Developing Tank. Plastics developing tank for 35mm with Carton and Instructions 1957-1967
Distributed by R F Hunter, 51 Grays Inn Road, London WC1. Visual exposure meter. Nos 1-6 seen in slot at one end; meter held at right angles to scene. Ranges; 26 degrees - 32 degrees Sch; 16 secs - 1/1000 sec; f/1.4-22. With wrist strap. In original carton with instructions. Pelmet exposure meter
Paterson force film washer made of a rubber tube with a tap adaptor and plastics jet tube. For use with 1990-5036/2511. Paterson Force Film Washer